10 Tips to Make Your Food Last Longer

Wrap lettuce leaves in paper towels.

Make sure you’ve got crisp lettuce to go on that burger or salad by wrapping in paper towels before placing it in the fridge. The moisture that the leaves let out will be absorbed by the towels and the leaves won’t go limp.

Wrap apples individually.

Apples are one of the fruits that can stay fresh for a long time without losing their taste or texture when stored in the refrigerator. But the trick is to make sure they aren’t touching, so you should wrap each one individually -old newspapers would be perfect for this job- before storing them.

Take carrots back to nature.

According to gardeners, the best way to ensure that carrots stay fresh and crisp is to store them in some sand! They say this is because sand slows down water evaporation, which will help keep the carrots from rotting.

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