Do You Buy Bottled Water? Here Are 4 Reasons Why It’s A Terrible Idea…

#3 – Water Bottles Cause Unimaginable Harm to The Environment


Climate change is a serious issue faced by citizens around the globe today. Fossil fuels are one of the earth’s largest environmental problems. Imagine a situation where you kept a million automobiles running continuously all year. That’s same amount of fossil fuel that is used up by the bottled water industry every year in America alone.

Furthermore, only 20% of plastic bottles get recycled around the world. The rest is disposed incorrectly into landfills where they might take up to some 1,000 years to decompose. And as they do so they seep harmful chemicals and toxins into the land and water that cause even more environmental issues as well as being injurious to innocent animals and sea creatures.

#4 – Water Bottles Cause Damage to Your Health


Your regular bottle of water usually comes in a plastic bottle. This plastic is more accurately referred to as polyethylene terephthalate, or PET for short. A chemical called antimony, which is said to cause dizziness and depression, is a common component of the PET bottle.

Another dangerous compound found in plastic water bottle is BPA. BPA is linked to causing an increase in obesity, birth defects and behavioural issues. Canada has currently banned the use of BPA, but it’s still freely allowed in the US and UK.

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