DIY Fair Games for Kids That Are Super Fun and Easy to Make

Quack, Quack, Quack

So, this one requires a couple more supplies but the result is totally worth it. You’ll need a mini inflatable pool, a toy fishing rod, a couple dozen rubber duckies and a similar number of magnets. Glue the magnets onto the ducks and the end of the fishing rod; paste papers with prizes written on them under a few of them; fill the pool up, and let the ducks swim!

Balloon Dart

This is another fun and easy carnival game that you can make with just balloons, a peg board, and a dart. Blow up a bunch of colorful balloons and tie them through the holes of the peg board. Allow three tries per participant and see how many balloons they can burst by throwing the dart.

Through the Monster’s Mouth

This is one of the easiest games you can make. And it’s pretty versatile, so you can make it however you like. All you need is a cardboard cutout of a cartoon monster (or any other character, it’s up to you), and pick a place to cut out a hole (the mouth would be the best choice for a monster). Then all you need is a tennis ball that players can use to throw into the hole. You can even make the cutout yourself; although a bit more time-consuming, it is definitely a fun project to do!

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