DIY Homemade Natural Beauty and Personal Care Products

3. All-Natural Teeth Whitener

Keep those pearly whites shining with a few simple steps!


1 teaspoon Aluminum-free baking soda
1 teaspoon 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide (NOT the same as regular hydrogen peroxide, which is not fit for ingestion)
Peppermint essential oil

Mix baking soda with hydrogen peroxide into a smooth paste and add a few drops of the peppermint oil. Dip your toothbrush in the paste and brush for about 2 minutes before brushing with regular toothpaste.

4. Sweet Lip Scrub

This lip scrub isn’t just going to give you sweet, soft and kissable lips, it’s also super sweet so you can lick it right off!


1 tablespoon honey
1 tablespoon coconut oil
2 teaspoons brown sugar

Mix together the honey and coconut oil until they become one. Add the sugar and mix. Add more coconut oil if necessary. Use a bit of lip scrub, gently brush it off and then use this lip balm for plump lips!

5. Blackhead Pore Strips

We’ve all stared at our faces in the mirror and wished we could get rid of those unsightly blackheads. Well, now you can by just using a couple ingredients you probably have in your pantry cupboard and fridge!


1 Tablespoon Good Quality Gelatin
1.5 Tablespoon Dairy (Milk, Yogurt, or Kefir)

Mix ingredients in a pot, and heat on low heat for a few minutes until the gelatin has dissolved.

Remove from heat and let cool if needed. Be careful not to let it cool too much as the gelatin will set, just until it is cool enough to not burn your skin.

Apply a thin layer on your face anywhere you want to clean your pores. You can use a plastic spoon to spread the mix, or a clean makeup brush. Let sit for 10-15 minutes, and peel the strips off.

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