5 Areas of Focus For Better Eyesight & Their Dos & Don’ts

Our eyes are one of the most important organs in our body, and sight is one of the most important senses that human beings possess. In today’s world, this is truer than ever before. Every waking second of our day, we use eyesight for everything from completing essential tasks to entertainment and even communication as it now revolves around texts/emails/videos, etc.

That’s why we should be taking good care of our eyes. And if you’ve already got glasses, no worries, ’cause you’re eyes aren’t beyond repair either!

Here are 5 important things to consider, and the dos and don’ts for better eyesight.

1. Food For Sight

A healthy diet geared towards bettering your eyesight is one of the most important things in getting crystal clear vision.


a. Eat foods rich in beta-carotene like carrots, sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, etc.; they are especially good as they improve eyesight and correct vision.

b. Include foods that are good sources of Omega-3 fatty acids like nuts and oily fish (salmon, tuna, etc.). The fatty acids help strengthen your retinas and prevent age-related eyesight problems.

c. Eat foods rich in sulfur, lecithin, and cysteine such as garlic, onions, capers, etc. These help protect the lens of your eyes and prevent cataract formation.

d. Include leafy green vegetables like spinach and kale into your diet whenever possible.


a. Eat sugary foods, as they can cause serious problems to your eyesight.

b. Drink! Alcohol has been found to damage the surface of the eyes, deteriorate night vision, and reduce quality of vision overall.

2. Limit Screen Time

The rays emitted off screens of TVs, computers, smartphones, etc. can be damaging to your eyes, therefore it’s important to take a few precautionary actions to ensure that the damage is minimal.


a. Make sure to take regular breaks of 20 seconds per 20 minutes to look at something in the distance (say 20 feet), if you are in the habit of spending long periods of time staring at screens.

b. Use the lowest brightness level on your device whenever possible.

c. Download a blue-light filter on your smartphone. This will help filter the harmful rays emitted through the screen.

d. Blink more often to produce tears and keep your eyes hydrated. Furthermore, tears remove dirt and refresh your eyes.


a. Watch TV, use the computer or smartphone up to two hours before bedtime.

b. Sit too close to your computer; about arm’s length away and the screen appropriately adjusted to be in the same level as you eyesight would be ideal.

c. Make the brightness on the screen too low or the font too small as to cause squinting. Adjust these factors to make reading easier.

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