When we think about the world we live in, it’s mind-blowing how incredibly perfectly it has been crafted. Long ago, before there were humans and machines, there was nature and it’s beautiful creations. From the oceans and land to the sky and clouds, nature is far beyond anything any man can come up with.
Fruits and vegetables are another miracle of nature. Their sole purpose is to be the sustenance of the earth’s living things. And they come in so many different shapes, sizes, colors and most importantly TASTES! You might be accustomed to the everyday onions, tomatoes, potatoes, oranges, and apples, but there are so many other types of interesting fruits and vegetables from around the world that will leave you in awe!
Here are some of the strangest and most fascinating fruits and vegetables from around the world:

1. Rambutan
This crazy-looking fruit might not give you the impression of deliciousness at first sight, but peel away the spiky skin and you’ll come upon the a gem! The inside contains sweet, white flesh, covering a pit. It comes in red and greenish-yellow varieties, and tastes kind of similar to a lychee.

2. Buddha’s Fingers
It might not look like one, but the Buddha’s Fingers or Buddha’s Hand is actually a citrus fruit! Take a look at the picture below and you’ll know why it’s called so. This strange fruit is said to have originated from Northeastern India or China.

3. Romanesco
This vegetable looks like a funky cauliflower that was though up in an art studio. But it’s an actual vegetable that you can buy at your farmer’s markets. Its mesmerizing green spirals are certainly eye-catching and make it stand apart, but it tastes like a blend of cauliflower and broccoli.

4. Dragon Fruit
These funky looking fruits are not just pretty to look at, but also refreshingly delicious to eat. These fruits are native to Central and South America and come with either white or red flesh, dotted with black sesame seed-like pits.

5. Morel Mushrooms
These wrinkly mushrooms certainly make you question whether they are the edible kind or the kind that will have you tripping. But actually, morel mushrooms are sought by gourmet chefs from around the world and are pretty expensive too. They grow in areas that have been affected by wildfires.

6. Durian
This thorny fruit has been nicknamed “the king of fruits”, and people tend either love it or hate it. This polarizing effect is due to the smell it gives off. In fact, it’s so stinky that it’s even banned in certain places in some countries where its popular, like Singapore and Thailand! But if you’re able to get past that, you will be rewarded with sweet, creamy custard-like flesh on the inside that is really yummy.

7. Crosnes
Crosnes might look like fat little worms, but they are actually a root vegetable that is native to China and Japan (hence sometimes called a Chinese artichoke). They are crunchy in texture and have a sweet, nutty, and earthy flavor similar to the Jerusalem artichoke.

8. Cucamelon
Looking like miniature watermelons, cucamelons are actually more of a cucumber. The inside looks like the flesh of a cucumber, and the outside shares a similar crunch. They are also known as Mexican gherkins or watermelon gherkins, and can be eaten raw or pickled. They are also super, duper cute!

9. Kiwano Melon
Also known as a Horned Melon, this is a fruit that looks like it originated from someone’s nightmares. But in reality, it’s actually pretty tasty. It tastes like a mixture of cucumbers, limes, and banana, and is grown in New Zealand, South Africa, and California.

10. Purple Potatoes
This is the purple sweet potato, native to Okinawa Japan and popular in Hawaii. It gives a similar flavor to the regular sweet potato and is also rich in Vitamins A and C. It can be cooked in any way a normal potato would be cooked, except it looks so vibrant. Everyone loves potatoes, so we’ll take as many kinds as we can get!

11. Black Radishes
Also referred to as Spanish radishes, they were commonly grown in 18th century England and France. Although the outside resembles a blackened radish, the inside is still shockingly white. The taste also differs from the more common kind of radishes, as it is slightly spicier.

12. Persimmon
At first glance, you may be fooled into thinking its a tomato, but it’s an entirely different fruit. Although it does belong to the same family as tomatoes and is also considered a common berry like the tomato. A persimmon is a delicious fruit that tastes like a combination of a peach and a tomato.

13. Rose Apples
Bell-shaped, sweet and sour fruits called rose apples are commonly found in many areas in Asia and the East Indies. They are crunchy and juicy like an apple, but they are known to smell like roses!

14. Poha Berries
A sweet, cherry tomato like fruit emerges from inside a tear-drop shaped leafy outer cover. It has several names, including Cape gooseberry, goldenberry and physalis. The poha berry is cultivated and grows in the wild in many tropical regions across the world.

15. Fiddlehead Ferns
Looking like little green snails, fiddlehead ferns are a vegetable that are popular across Northern France, Asia, and Native Americans. These are the furled fronds of a young fern. They are a good source of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, as well as iron fiber, and antioxidants.

16. Starfruit
Originating from the tropical regions of Sri Lanka, this gorgeous green and yellow fruit looks like a star when it is sliced. There’s a slight crunch when you bite into this waxy, juicy fruit, and it tastes of sweet and tangy notes. This pretty fruit has many health benefits as well, and is now gaining popularity in many countries around the world.