10 Ways To Reupurpose, Revive, or Recycle Old Makeup

7. Old Lipstick

You know how annoying it is when you get to the bottom a lipstick and you can’t use it anymore? When you’ve collected a couple of them, you should scrape whatever you can off the bottom and melt them together. You can do this either in a large spoon over the fire on your stovetop or in the microwave. Mix to combine, pour into a small container and refrigerate.

Voila! You’ve got yourself a new custom lipstick shade!

8. Tenacious Mascara

If you’re waterproof mascara is so waterproof that it gives you a hard time when you’re trying to remove it, you can use it as a gel eyeliner! Just use a thin brush to dip into the mascara and draw on your waterline. You’ll have a super intense eyeliner that lasts, and comes off easily when you need it to because makueup in general is easier to remove from skin than it is from hair.

9. Last Drops of Perfume

When you get to the bottom of a perfume bottle and the pump doesn’t reach those last few drops, we tend to throw it away all together. But, you can use these meager drops to transform any unscented body lotion into a scented one. As quickly as you can, pour the perfume into the lotion container, shake well, and use!

10. Crafting

Yes, if you’re a DIYer, there’s almost nothing that you cannot find a use for!

The same way, you can use old makeup to create masterpieces for your home as well. You can use old lipsticks, nail polish, etc. melted as paints for your crafts. You can also recycle old makeup containers and use them as boxes to store things like pills, and small jewelry. When you’ve got a creative thumb, the world is your pickle!

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