18 Kitchen Gadgets Professional Chefs Say You Absolutely Need To Have

13. Microplane

Most people have graters in their kitchen, but you shouldn’t overlook the usefulness of a microplane either. “They’re really great if you want to grate things really finely, parmesan cheese and things like that. It was originally designed for woodworking,” says Nitahara.

14. Wooden Spoons

According to Sexton, wooden spoons are the best choice when it comes to stirring things on a hot stove. They are heat resistant, so you won’t burn your hand like with a metal spoon, they won’t melt like plastic would, and they’ll last you a long time. Nitahara adds that a wooden spoon that’s flat on one side makes it much easier to scrape things off the bottom of your pan.

15. Whisk

A whisk is another kitchen equipment that is indispensable, and Nitahara recommends looking for ones with thin wires. “If you’re going to be making emulsions like vinaigrettes, hollandaise sauce, and a few others, if you get your wires too big and thick … you’re not going to be able to emulsify liquids like that as well,” he says.

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