35+ Surprising Uses For Everyday “Garbage” That You Didn’t Know About

7. Silica Gel Packets

20. Pop a couple packets of silica gel with a box of old photographs or important documents. This will help keep the moisture out.

21. Silica gel is non-toxic (although you shouldn’t be eating it), so you can use them to keep dry rations and grains from humidity or dampness. Just tape one to the inside lid of the container!

22. Soak silica gels in your favorite essential oil to make your own all-natural air freshener. The best part is that you can just repeat once the smell wears off!

8. Plastic Grocery Bags

23. Use plastic bags to line garbage cans; you don’t have to buy trash bags separately.

24. You don’t have to carry specialty bags to carry things like dirty laundry or wet clothes (swimsuits, etc.). Just pop a couple plastic bags and use them whenever needed!

25. Use crushed up plastic bags instead of Styrofoam balls or packing peanuts when transporting delicate items.

9. Miscellaneous Uses

26. Save Styrofoam containers that come with food to package your own lunch the next day.

27. Use paper egg cartons or toilet paper rolls to start seedlings.

28. Cut up old t-shirts and make crafts like necklaces, scarves, bags, carpets, or more.

29. Cut a torn bike’s inner tube into strips to make your own rubber bands.

30. Boil orange peels with cinnamon in a bit of water to make a natural air freshener, or fill them with beeswax to make a natural scented candle.

31. Use old makeup like lipsticks, nail polish, etc. as paints for crafting and DIY projects by heating and melting them.

32. Old makeup containers like lip balm bottles can be used to store homemade cosmetic and beauty products.

33. Old tin cans can be used to store leftover food in the fridge or for cooking in campfires, etc.

34. Make coasters with old CDs.

35. Use old light bulbs as ornaments by painting and decorating them. You can also fill them with water and make unique flower vases.

36. Don’t throw away the bones of things like poultry, fish, and meat. You can roast them in the oven or with a bit of oil on the stove and use them to make stock. They have an incredible amount of flavor!

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