6 Foods That Kill Brain Cells


Carbs are also something that we need to omit from our diets to keep our brain cells healthy. We are talking about refined carbs, the kinds that’s there in bread, cakes, doughnuts, you name it! (Not to mention such foods are also full of sugar, fats, and more unhealthy stuff). Eating too many carbs can also slow down your metabolism and make you feel more lethargic and cause chronic tiredness. Carbohydrates are also high in GI, which increases the risk of diabetes in people by releasing glucose at a faster pace.

Junk Food

Junk Food is a no-no if you want to be maintain a healthy brain. It basically contributes to just about any health problem you can think of. The fact that junk food is to be avoided like plague is because it is full of all the previously listed foods that can cause harm to your brain cells like sugar, carbohydrates, MSG, trans and saturated fats, and so much more unhealthiness.

Food Additives

Food additives are often used in the production of commercially-produced food items in order to make them look and taste better. But at what cost? MSG, one of the most commonly-used and one of the most harmful food additives is a neurotoxic chemical that has been proven to damage nerve and brain cells. MSG can cause too much stimulation in the brain, resulting in a many neurological problems like learning incapacities, memory issues, and long-term diseases.

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