6 Quick-Fire Home Remedies To Get Rid of Acne and Pimples Overnight

5. Hydrocortisone Cream To The Rescue

This is a type of tropical steroid that you can find at any drugstore and you should be able to buy it without a prescription. Although it’s technically not a “home” remedy, it is one of the cheapest and fastest ways to get rid of a pimple. It is commonly used to treat inflammation of the skin, which is why its perfect. Do read the directions of use on the manual as different brands will have different dosages, but as a general rule it’s safe to apply the cream directly on the pimple up to twice daily.

6. Crush It With Aspirin

Turns out, aspirin isn’t just good for a headache! But instead of drinking it as you usually would, you’ll need to make an aspirin mask which would be about 4-5 uncoated aspirin tablets crushed with two tablespoons of water. Apply the mixture onto the pimple and wash after 10-15 minutes. This works because aspirin, again, is mainly used to bring down swelling and inflammation.

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