Here’s What Your Boss Doesn’t Want To Hear From You

“It’s Not My Fault”

No one likes to be the carrier of blame, but bosses absolutely hate it when you pass the buck. Take responsibility, even if it wasn’t entirely your fault; most issues occurring in a teamwork based environment rarely are. Communicate what went wrong, tell them you”ll fix it, and assure them it won’t happen again.

“I’m Not Sure”

Your boss trusts you to do certain things, to know certain things, so saying things along the line of “I don’t know” and “I’m not sure” makes you sound a bit clueless. Of course, you’re not expected to know everything all the time, but a better way to approach this would be to say “here’s what I know, and here’s what I don’t”, or “I think it’s this, but let me find out for certain.”

“I Don’t Have Time”

Here’s a little secret: make time! Sometimes certain tasks might require you to come in a bit early on a particular day or stay at work even after 5 pm, but those are just a part and parcel of having a job. If you insist on only working during the designated hours, it tells your boss that you don’t really care about the organization. Of course, that doesn’t mean you should be staying late every single day, but if you have to once in a while, you shouldn’t be a bad sport about it.

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