Things You’re Told To Never Wash: Real Or Myth?

2. Mushrooms

Mushrooms are another hot topic when it comes to things certain people swear you should never wash. Among those disputing or supporting this claim are top chefs and food experts – even these guys are divided by this issue!

The main argument of those that say you should never wash mushrooms is that they lose all the flavor in the rinsing process, and we don’t want that. But on the other hand, the obvious argument is that they are dirty – and naturally so as they’ve been plucked from the ground!

The issue is certainly puzzling, but what are you supposed to do?

Let’s look to the British Mushroom Bureau (yes, there’s a Brits have a bureau for mushrooms) for the answer. They say,”The Mushroom Bureau advises that all you need to do is give the mushrooms a wipe with a damp cloth or a quick rinse. It’s true that they will absorb water and the more water is absorbed the lower the flavor. This is because they are neither a fruit nor a vegetable so do not have an outer skin like an apple for example, and, as a result, will absorb water. You should never soak, peel or remove the stalk.”

Well, there you have it. The claim that you should never wash your mushrooms is clearly a MYTH! (But don’t overdo it either).

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