10 Best Superhero Movies of all Time

5. Thor: Ragnorak (2016)

It is often hailed as one of the funniest movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and it is this and Chris Hemsworth’s comedic timing that makes this movie a real delight. While the first two Thor movies were just good enough, they don’t hold a candle to this one!

4. The Incredibles (2004)

The Incredibles was such a good movie that fans had been asking for a sequel for more than a decade (and are finally getting one!). The movie followed a family of “supers” who were forced to hide their powers during their daily lives. This animated feature is just a good time all around, and it fit into a lot of genres, which meant that a diverse audience watched and loved it!

3. Logan (2017)

The final installment of the X-Men films, Logan (2017), made sure the series went out with a bang! This film focused solely on Wolverine, played by Hugh Jackman, who now spends his days drinking post a period when the mutants are all gone. While this movie had everything that makes a good superhero movie, it also had a lot of thoughtful moments, which is what we think made it stand apart.

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