Want to Lose Weight Quickly? Try The Gigi Hadid Method!

13. Load Up On Citrus

Citrus fruits are rich sources of Vitamin C, which is something that helps speed up your metabolism, causing fat and calories to burn faster. They are also delicious, so this shouldn’t be too much of a sacrifice. You can add fruits like orange, grapefruit, and tangerines to a salad or just have them as a refreshing snack in between meals.

14. Say No to Starch

Starchy foods like white rice, white bread, and potatoes (regardless of if it is fried or baked) must be avoided as much as possible. Starch makes you gain weight, it’s as simple as that! It’s best to stick to whole wheat products, but be careful if you’re buying packaged food that claims to be whole wheat. Make sure to check that the ingredients list either whole wheat, whole oat or cracked wheat.

15. Eat Slowly & Focus on Your Food

It’s best to put away any distractions such as TV, phones, or even books while you’re eating. Your brain needs to be actively engaged in the act of eating to understand when it has had enough. Distractions make it more likely to overeat and feel less satisfied with the food. Similarly, if you gobble up all the food too fast, your stomach may not have had enough time to tell your brain it has had enough. You may also swallow large chunks of food in a hurry too, which is a choking hazard!

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